New Year’s Eve menu 2019

Here our New Year’s Eve menu 2019

1. Hors-d’oeuvre a la maison
Tuna Tatar with avocado in nori leaves / foie gras parfait with raw sugar caramelized and fig confit and poultry salad with mango

2.Trio Soupe a ma facon
Bresse – Poularden Consommé/ and alloyed lobster soup/ and water spinach cream

3. „Lyonaise meets Saigon“
Veal bries on sweet potato with apple-onion/caper butter napped – and klebreis-taler with crispy crab meat

4.Melon Sorbet
with port wine and coconut milk foam

5.fine from the sea
Saltimbocca by Lotte/Glacierter Black Tiger shrimp/ and stuffed zucchini blossom with scallop, served with ragout by Hokkaido and two kinds of sauces

6. fine from the country
Gratinated Iberico pork fillet on port wine truffle jus / deer rolls with Serrano ham, Served with touring wintry vegetables and fries Williams

7.New Year’s Eve Dessert Plate
Charlotte of Matcha Tea and Dragon Fruit Cream / Parfait of Boys Klebreis

8. Assiette de fromage
Baked Camembert in Wantan dough and caramelised goat cheese, served with fig mustard and onion confit

Complete menu price per pers. 89,-€

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